No, the planet Uranus is not pronounced "your anus." But neither is it pronounced "urine us." The correct pronunciation is "you ray nus." Frankly, I don't see how deliberately making the name sound like "urine" is any better than making it sound like "anus." And I am particularly disgusted that many astronomers themselves have actually fallen into the middle of this juvenile controversy, and have given in to the also-offensive perceived option of mispronouncing the poor planet "urine us."
In contrast, I am relieved that I was spared hearing about this silliness as a kid. I was fully into adulthood before encountering such infantile nonsense. Indeed, it was only with the movie "E.T. The Extraterrestrial," that I even became aware that this foolishness was going on, and in the film, its very inappropriateness was quite appropriately demonstrated only by kids, not by the adult characters.
Interesting. When I was a kid myself, the way in which I paid attention to the name, was when I decided that the two loveliest names in the entire Solar System were Venus and Uranus. That is, of course, "you ray nus."